Nova Electric’s UPSs Part of US Navy’s Successful ICBM Defense Test

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Nova Electric’s UPSs Part of US Navy’s Successful ICBM Defense Test

Exciting news as recently reported by

“The U.S. Navy has shot down an intercontinental ballistic missile over the Pacific Ocean with an SM-3 Block IIA missile in a milestone test that demonstrated a potential scheme to defend Hawaii, the Missile Defense Agency announced Tuesday morning.

The test, which comes on the heels of the revealing of a larger North Korean ICBM in October that could potentially strike the U.S. East Coast, is the first time the United States has shot down an ICBM with anything other than a ground-based interceptor, an MDA official said.

Just before 1 a.m. Eastern Time, MDA oversaw a test where a missile was fired from Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site on Kwajalein Atoll toward the open ocean northeast of Hawaii. The Arleigh Burke-class destroyer John Finn, equipped with Aegis Baseline 9, received a track from an external sensor through the Command and Control Battle Management Communications network.

The ship then fired on and destroyed the target with the SM-3IIA, the release said.” Read more about this test at

Nova Electric’s reliable True Online UPS Systems provide critical backup power to the Radar System used to detect the incoming threat in this test. Congratulations to the US Navy for this impressive accomplishment!


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